
Quibim mine medical images to extract critical and often evasive health indicators: quantitative imaging biomarkers.

Quibim Precision® is a whole-body imaging ecosystem that understands every body part. Discovering an anomaly in organs or tissues early is key to recovery, and preventative measures can delay disease onset altogether. Beyond diagnosis, imaging biomarkers also help us to better understand the mechanism of action of drug candidates and guide therapy, monitor recovery or relapse, and change the way research is being carried out.

Quibim is on a mission to improve human health through AI-guided precision medicine and apply their advanced computational models to boost all fields from immuno-oncology to neurology. As a global leader in whole-body medical imaging, they are at the forefront of evidence-based research: Quibim publish extensively and have compiled one of the richest catalogues of imaging biomarkers and non-invasive detection methodologies in the world.

Quibim was founded in 2012. It spun out of La Fe Health Research Institute, part of La Fe Polytechnics and University Hospital in Valencia, Spain.


Amadeus contact

Pierre Socha