Amadeus Capital Partners, the European technology investor, has made three promotions with effect from 1st January 2009. Jeppe Zink becomes a Partner; Bill Earner and Pat Burtis become Investment Managers.

Jeppe Zink, a graduate of Durham University, joined Amadeus as an Associate in 2003 after four years with Deutsche Morgan Grenfell and DB Venture Partners. In January 2005, Jeppe became an Investment Manager since when he has led and co-led a number of Amadeus’ software investments including EpiServer, a Stockholm-based web content management business, Agillic, a Danish software-as-a-service vendor that has developed a real-time, interactive marketing platform and Enigmatec, a data centre automation software provider seeded by the Amadeus Mobile Seed fund.

Bill Earner, a graduate of Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA with an MBA from London Business School, joined Amadeus as a summer Associate in 2004 and decided to join the team full time the following year. Bill has been closely involved in sourcing and working with a number of Amadeus’ investments, including XMOS, a fabless semiconductor company seeded by the Amadeus Mobile Seed Fund, Nomad, a provider of broadband access to trains and Intune Networks, an optical networking company. Bill has also been a key member of the Amadeus team working with two of the firm’s larger investments, Plastic Logic and Cambridge Broadband.

Pat Burtis, a graduate of Yale University and Dartmouth College, joined Amadeus in 2007 as a Kauffman Fellow, working with both Amadeus and Imperial College on their joint KTP-funded project to research and commercialise new energy and environmental technologies. Having previously worked with new energy companies in the US, Pat decided to join Amadeus full time to expand the firm’s investments in this sector. He has been closely involved in several of the firm’s investments, including Transmode and GreenRoad, an international company providing monitoring of driver safety and fuel efficiency for fleet businesses and governmental organisations.

Commenting on the promotions, Amadeus’ CEO, Anne Glover, says: “I am delighted to recognise the contributions Jeppe, Bill and Pat have made to the whole team’s work in sourcing and making investments from Amadeus III (£162m closed in 2007) and in supporting portfolio companies addressing the new and difficult economic environment.”

“All technology companies, even those with great product and prospects, will find the going tough through 2009. Careful husbandry of resources, good customer relationships and supportive long-term investors will be essential components for survival. But we have weathered previous downturns; our deal flow remains strong and we have experienced managers throughout the portfolio. Exit markets may be closed, but there is plenty to do!”